DONE DEAL! What have you won?
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

DONE DEAL! What have you won?

Yesterday, we reached in-principal agreement with Catholic Education Tasmania on all of the key issues in dispute. While there is a lot to unpack and many details to finalise, in this post we outline your key wins.

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We've reached an in-principle Agreement!
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

We've reached an in-principle Agreement!

Well done! We’re pleased to report that your actions have had a huge impact at the bargaining table and we have reached an in-principle Agreement. Today we met with the Employers and there was significant movement from them on some of the key issues that matter most to you.

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Industrial action kicks off tomorrow!
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Industrial action kicks off tomorrow!

We’ve just finished up another full day of negotiations with Catholic Education Tasmania, and while there was some progress, the employers have yet to make firm committments on a number of the most important items in dispute. We have agreed to meet again on Wednesday morning, but now is not the time to turn down the pressure.

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IT'S ON: It's time to take industrial action!
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

IT'S ON: It's time to take industrial action!

Based on the results of the ballot, the IEU has notified the Employers that IEU members will start accessing their right to take industrial action. As we’re required to do we’ve given notice that from Tuesday 27 August IEU members will take partial work ban action.

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