Congratulations on a great start to industrial action!

What a great start to our protected industrial action this morning!

Congratulations to every single member who has already taken part in the bans on non-urgent emails and phone calls, before and after school meetings and out-of-hours work. You are sending a very strong collective message!

The IEU bargaining team will be meeting again with the Employers tomorrow. We’re hoping that the momentum created by your actions will lead to an in-principle Agreement.

Here are some key questions that have come in from Reps and members today:

Q. My principal has asked all staff to inform them of whether we are taking action. Do I need to do so?

A. No! The IEU has notified employers in accordance with the Fair Work Act that our members are intending to take protected industrial action. There is no need for individuals to provide any further information directly to their employer at this stage. A member is under no obligation to either take part, or not take part, in the protected industrial action unless they wish to do so and so you may decide on the day of the action whether you wish to participate.

However, for the action to be effective, all members are encouraged to take the action we have notified.

​** If there is a potential duty of care or student / child safety or supervision issue arising from the protected industrial action, then please advise a member of school leadership.  Also note that emails  that include in the subject line the terms “WHS” or “Child Safety” MUST be read and responded to. **

Q. Will I lose pay for taking part in protected industrial action?

A. Staff taking part in full work stoppages will not be paid for the period of the stoppage.

If you are taking part in a partial work ban (such as a ban on attendance at meetings or on replying to emails), your employer must either accept that you are still working during this period and pay you normally, or give you written notice that it will be making a reduced payment based on the partial performance of work. There is a specific formula that the employer must follow for calculating reduced pay for a partial work ban, and the IEU may be able to challenge the proposed reduction depending on the employer’s written notice and the circumstances surrounding the proposed reduction.

Q. Can my employer pressure me not to take part in industrial action?

A. No! This is legitimate protected industrial action, which means that IEU members are entitled to participate without fear or favour. This is a lawful and legitimate process under Australia’s industrial relations bargaining system.

If you experience or witness any undue pressure not to participate in legitimate industrial action, please inform the IEU immediately via  

Send us your photos!

Take a solidarity photo with IEU members at your school and email it to us at so we can share the warm glow of your solidarity!

Follow us on social media

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we continue to communicate with members on these channels.


We've reached an in-principle Agreement!


Industrial action kicks off tomorrow!