We've reached an in-principle Agreement!

Well done! We’re pleased to report that your actions have had a huge impact at the bargaining table and we have reached an in-principle Agreement. Today we met with the Employers and there was significant movement from them on some of the key issues that matter most to you.

This means we will CEASE ALL industrial action. Do NOT take any industrial action starting from tomorrow. You can resume work as normal!

We will provide more details tomorrow about what we have collectively won in this Agreement.

Every IEU member should be extremely proud of themselves for this achievement. If it wasn’t for your determination and solidarity in taking industrial action, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this outcome. We will continue to keep members updated on the progress of the Agreement.

In the meantime, this win is yours to celebrate! And be sure to let non-members know about this outcome and encourage them to join the union. We are stronger together.

Solidarity from IEU members across Tasmania

We have been loving seeing these solidarity snaps coming in from schools taking part in industrial action. Take a solidarity photo with IEU members at your school and email it to us at media@ieuvictas.org.au so we can celebrate this hard-fought win.


DONE DEAL! What have you won?


Congratulations on a great start to industrial action!