Industrial action kicks off tomorrow!

We’ve just finished up another full day of negotiations with Catholic Education Tasmania, and while there was some progress, the employers have yet to make firm committments on a number of the most important items in dispute. We have agreed to meet again on Wednesday morning, but now is not the time to turn down the pressure.

With so many matters important to IEU members still unresolved, it’s time to show our strength. Protected industrial action will commence as planned from 8am tomorrow, and we’re relying on all our members to send a strong and unmistakable message.

IEU members in ALL Tasmanian Catholic schools will implement bans on taking phone calls, responding to emails, attending before and after school meetings, and working outside of the school day.

Please ensure that you take part in these actions and that you encourage all your fellow members to do so as well - we can only win this through a real show of strength and solidarity.

IEU members in some workplaces will be ramping up their actions across the week with more formal work stoppages - stay tuned for details. If Catholic Education Tasmania doesn’t come back with an improved offer pronto, they can expect to see far bigger actions over coming weeks!

We will continue to update members on the progress of negotiations and any industrial action we intend to take. In the meantime, take care and please don’t hesitate to contact your union for assistance.

Child safety during the period of industrial action

Throughout the period of industrial action it is important that IEU members understand that they are legally required to respond to emergency situations.

  • If members receive an email from the Employer with the subject line of ‘Child Safety’ or ‘WHS’ then IEU members must open the email and action it. 

  • If you observe first hand a child safety matter, or a risk to a person’s health and safety, then you are required to perform work to respond to that emergency situation.

I forgot to vote in the ballot! Can I still take action?

Yes! As long as you were listed as an IEU member when we filed for the protected action ballot. Even those who voted ‘No’ to any of the listed actions can take action.

Download resources

Make sure IEU members at your school are fully informed about the plans for industrial action.

Take a solidarity photo

Take a solidarity photo on Tuesday with IEU members at your school and email it to us at – our solidarity is powerful and we want to ensure IEU members see that action is taking place at Catholic school across Tasmania.

Follow us on social media

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we continue to communicate with members on these channels.


Congratulations on a great start to industrial action!


IT'S ON: It's time to take industrial action!