Who can join
Almost any person who works in non-government education can join IEU Victoria Tasmania.
Those eligible for membership include teachers, principals, school assistants, clerical and administrative workers, teacher aides, integration aides, library and laboratory technicians, and educational consultants.
Employees who work in an ancillary capacity such as cleaners, grounds and maintenance workers, bus drivers and canteen staff can also join IEU Victoria Tasmania. There are only a few exceptions.
Students currently undertaking a teaching qualification are also eligible to join for free.
Joining the IEU is also subject to an Industrial Assistance Policy which you can read here.
Why join?
If you work in non-government education it pays to be a member of the union that advances and protects your professional and industrial interests and secures your wages and conditions. Members are protected and supported through their access to expert industrial advice and legal representation on workplace matters and are covered by IEU Victoria Tasmania's professional indemnity and legal liability insurance.
IEU members can also access all the benefits which come with collective purchasing power such as exclusive great value health and travel insurance and discounts on a huge range of goods and services.
And don't forget that all union membership fees are tax deductible!
How to join the IEU
You can join online here, or download this form and mail it to IEU, PO Box 1320, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 or scan and email to info@ieuvictas.org.au.
Our sliding scale of fees is designed to make membership affordable to all, regardless of income. There are several payment options, including a payroll deduction facility in most schools.
Casual Relief / Emergency teachers
Under our reciprocal arrangement, casual relief/emergency teachers can join either the Independent Education Union or the Australian Education Union (Victoria or Tasmania), and are entitled to a referral between unions for advice or assistance if required. CRT/emergency teachers are encouraged to join the union covering the sector (government schools or non-government schools) where they predominantly work.
Information about you is collected by IEU Victoria Tasmania to ensure we have the necessary details to represent your employment and related interests, and to record your union membership. IEU Victoria Tasmania is bound by the Privacy Act and has developed its own Privacy Code.