Tasmanian Catholic Education Agreement Access Period

Today, IEU members will be provided with access to the proposed Tasmanian Catholic Education Single Enterprise Agreement 2024.

The IEU endorses the proposed Agreement, which protects and improves working conditions in our sector for the benefit of all. It is the product of lengthy negotiations and extensive campaigning and a lot of hard work by IEU members – which is something we should all be proud of!

We have scheduled a meeting for IEU Reps for 4:00pm on Wednesday 5 February for a recap of the voting process and to answer any last minute questions. We will be asking every Rep to find a time to speak with all staff in their school to remind them what’s in the deal – and what’s not (like forced transfers between schools!)

If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to your Organiser, sub-branch Rep or the IEU Office.

The ‘Access Period’, during which all employees will be provided with the proposed Agreement and will be invited to attend information and question sessions, will run until 13 February, and the employee ballot will be open from 14 February until midnight on 20 February.

We encourage you to attend the information sessions organised by your employer during the access period. We also encourage you to speak to your colleagues – let’s make sure that all non-members are reminded of where these wins came from and who fought for them, and that they are invited to join you in your union!


Tasmanian Catholic school members, it’s time to Vote Yes!


Tasmanian Catholic Education Agreement drafted and ready for the vote!