DONE DEAL! What have you won?

Yesterday, we reached in-principal agreement with Catholic Education Tasmania on all of the key issues in dispute. While there is a lot to unpack and many details to finalise, below is an outline of your key wins.

This is your win!

After such lengthy delays, your strength and preparedness to take industrial action has broken the deadlock and allowed progress on achieving the Agreement that you deserve. You have demonstrated the power of solidarity – it is only through collective action as union members that we can achieve improved wages and conditions.

We’d like to whole-heartedly congratulate you on your solidarity and thank you for your ongoing support and campaigning throughout these complex negotiations.

The focus now shifts to drafting and we will provide more details to members as this progresses. IEU staff will also be out to provide details about the deal. A full draft of the new Enterprise Agreement will be available to everyone ahead of a vote.

We expect voting to occur in October.

What’s in the deal?

No forced transfers between schools under this Agreement

Low income payments

  • $1000 payment will be made in March 2025 to most school support employees and teachers at or below Level 4 (pro-rata for part-time employees)

Pay parity

  • Nexus with government school salaries maintained and further 3% increase in 2025

Teacher workload reductions

  • Primary teacher maximum face-to-face teaching time to reduce over the life of the Agreement from 22 to 21 hours per week

  • Secondary teacher maximum non-teaching duties reduced from 5 to 4 hours per week (from mid-2025)

Improved parental leave

  • Paid primary carer leave increased to 18 weeks, paid partner leave increased to 4 weeks

  • Superannuation payments made on first year of maternity leave

  • 10 days’ paid foster carer leave

Improved teacher classification progression

  • Removal of current pay progression caps for teachers without full registration

  • Four-year trained teachers to commence at Level 5

Job security

  • Inclusion of redundancy pay schedule

Leave improvements

  • Paid family violence leave increased to 20 days

  • 3 days’ paid cultural leave for First Nations employees

Increased meal and first aid allowances



Growing, engaging and retaining union membership


We've reached an in-principle Agreement!