Rep elections 2025
It’s election time for all IEU sub-branch Reps, and elections must be held in every workplace.

Five Union Shopper products and services you can save on these school holidays
Given the battle of the bottom line currently faced by every household, busy educators would be mad not to check out some of these bargains.

Know Your Rights: Understanding holiday pay
We originally published this Know Your Rights column back in 2021. It has been a well-read piece in the years since so we’ve updated it and republished it to reflect current information.

2024 in review: Student teachers and graduates
The student teacher / graduate program remains a core area for organising within our union, with the IEU committing an 0.4 staff loading to free up an Organiser to undertake this important work.

2024 in review: Victorian Catholic schools
Schools where staff are respected and have the necessary time and energy to do their jobs perform better for students, parents, and employers than schools with overworked staff.

2024 in review: Women and Equity
The IEU maintained the campaign against gender-based violence this year, seeking a greater focus on educator wellbeing from employers and members.

2024 in review: Education support staff
In 2024, support staff continued their valuable work assisting students and colleagues and the IEU continued to fight for improvements to their working conditions.

2024 in review: Tasmania - a busy year in all sectors
While the Catholic campaign demanded plenty of attention, other schools from Smithton to Geeveston also interacted with the union in 2024.

Outstanding IEU contributors, 2024
Every IEU Rep deserves congratulations and thanks, but we want to highlight the exceptional service of these selfless colleagues in 2024.

The IEU’s close relationship with our national office
Throughout 2024, the federal office (the IEUA) has worked on unsustainable workloads, restoring professional autonomy and leveraging recent industrial reforms passed by the federal government.

Check your pay over summer!
There are a few things to look out for in your pay packet over the summer months.

Two IEU Education Support Staff wins
One of the biggest battles across all IEU sectors is to ensure that support staff are categorised correctly so they receive appropriate recognition and pay for their valuable work.

IEU out to make the Victorian Catholic “Workload Agreement” work
To help with school planning for 2025, the union sent out a letter to all school leaders clarifying specific elements of the Victorian Catholic Education Multi Enterprise Agreement.

Rep training is now mandated by law
The advent of new laws guaranteeing the right of union Reps to five days of initial union training and a further day each year they are in the role must be leveraged to grow the next generation of union leaders.

The IEU says: support staff, don’t get ripped off on overtime and time in lieu
Education Support members, stay informed about your rights and entitlements for overtime and time-off.

Deputy General Secretary: Achieving workload improvements and wage rises
In Australia, the education system is built on the back of asking overworked people to do more and asking good people to do more than they should.

Scams have come to super – how to safeguard your nest egg
Data breaches and scams targeting super accounts are becoming more common, and we must all take steps to safeguard our precious retirement savings.

The IEU Industrial team advises you on: redundancies
If your school is proposing redundancies, you should contact the IEU for advice and support. We’ve created a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process.

Independent bargaining report: Bargaining wins, big and small
This is a “new era of independent school bargaining”, because more teachers and education support staff in independent schools are challenging outdated practices and demanding fairer working conditions.

Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA helps Timor Leste farmers with education and power
Since 2016, Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA has partnered with local organisations in Timor-Leste to strengthen farmers’ groups, helping rural communities gain access to land, learn sustainable farming practices, and build collective power.