Rep elections 2025
It’s election time for all IEU sub-branch Reps, and elections must be held in every workplace.
We encourage all active members to consider putting themselves forward for the role of Rep or Assistant Rep. Every workplace should have received a package from us containing materials including election instructions and a results form to be returned to us by the end of February.
Below are the election procedures, which must be followed to ensure a valid election.
For a copy of the election form please email
Election Procedures
Elections should generally be held at a meeting of members in the first four weeks of the school year. This meeting can be held in-person or online (or a combination of both). All members should be informed of the meeting and of their right to nominate in advance of the meeting. A Sub-Branch meeting is quorate if 25% of the membership OR at least 15 members attend in-person or online.
The term of office for Sub-Branch Reps is four years, and existing Reps may re-nominate. If the position becomes vacant during the four-year term, these processes will be followed to elect a new Rep to hold office for the remainder of the four-year term.
The Sub-Branch should by agreement appoint a Returning Officer (‘RO’) to conduct the election. The Returning Officer must be a financial member of the IEU who does not intend to nominate as Rep.
The RO should call for nominations. Nominations can be verbal or in writing – any financial member of the Sub-Branch may nominate themselves or another financial member. The nomination must be seconded by another financial member and accepted (either verbally or in writing) by the nominee. If a nominee is not present to accept, they must accept in writing.
If there is only one nominee, the RO should declare that person elected.
If there is more than one nomination, the RO should read out the nominations and ask each financial member to cast a vote in a secret ballot. The RO may decide whether votes are written on paper, or submitted by email or in another secure and confidential manner. Before the vote, each nominee should be allowed to speak about their nomination if they want to.
The RO should then count the votes and advise the meeting of the name of the winning candidate. In the event of a tied vote, the RO shall contact the Branch.
The person is elected immediately and assumes the position of Sub-Branch Rep.
The RO should then fill out the ‘Confirmation of Election of IEU Sub-Branch Representative’ form (either by hand or electronically) and forward it to the Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania at
Only financial IEU members are entitled to nominate as or vote for the Sub-Branch Rep. Current Reps can log onto Rep Access for an updated membership list. Where there is no current Rep, the Returning Officer should contact the workplace Organiser or the IEU Office to confirm current membership details.
Principal members do not vote for the school’s IEU Sub-Branch Rep. They belong to a separate Principals’ Sub-Branch, and are entitled to vote for their own Rep.
Some Sub-Branches elect or appoint an Assistant Rep or a Sub-Branch Committee to assist the Rep. Committees are usually representative of the diversity of members in the workplace and share the range of duties required in the Sub-Branch. The manner of election or appointment of an Assistant Rep or Sub-Branch Committee is at the discretion of the Sub-Branch, but unless agreed otherwise the term of office for these roles should align with that of the Rep.
Sub-Branches with a very small number of members may determine alternative election procedures – please discuss this with your Organiser.
Some multi-campus workplaces have a separate Sub-Branch and Rep on each campus.
If you have any questions or require advice or assistance, please contact your Organiser or the IEU Office.