Outstanding IEU contributors, 2024
Every IEU Rep deserves congratulations and thanks, but we want to highlight the exceptional service of these selfless colleagues in 2024.
Chris McDuff, Preshil
Organisers described Chris as an ‘awesome young Rep’, lauding his efforts dealing with ‘bargaining, major change and redundancies’ at his school. Coping with a potentially volatile situation, Chris was diplomatic, positive and firm. He was twice nominated.
Nick Oates, Rep, and Nelson Dore (pictured), Assistant Rep, NECA
Nelson and Nick were inspiring co-leaders of the unprecedented industrial actions at private trainer NECA, where members won their workplace’s first-ever Enterprise Bargaining Agreement after a determined campaign.
ES group, St Francis, Ballarat
Organisers admire the ‘solidarity, determination and resolve’ of six ES members who have stuck together and fought for over 12 months seeking over $250,000 in unpaid super and leave loading. Despite a long process, they are prepared to hold on to achieve a just result.
Rachel Sztanski, ex-St. Joseph Flexible Learning Centre,
North Melbourne (now a CRT member)
Organisers cited Rachel’s ‘great, determined work both as sub-branch Rep and a Health and Safety Rep in a very challenging environment’. She was praised for running the People at Work psychosocial risk assessment survey on her own initiative, ‘leading to genuine change’ for the better at her campus.
Natanya Thrift, St John’s Preston
Natanya spoke out on an important issue – the treatment of neurodivergent educators – and bravely chose to put her face and name to her confronting words. The union conducted a survey on the topic and received 24 insightful and heartfelt responses from neurodivergent educators, revealing the unique benefits of neurodivergent staff and the challenges they face. Many had not discussed such issues before and had felt their needs were being ignored. It was a classic example of one person’s commitment leading to a greater understanding of a topic affecting many others.
Emily Pandya and Karin Lemanis,
Camberwell Girls’ Grammar School
These bargaining Reps worked very hard at the table, empowering not just the sub-branch but the entire staff to a 67.4% No vote on a sub-standard EA. Staff at their school will achieve a far superior result because of their bold commitment.
Brendan Nicholls, St Ignatius College, Geelong
As both IEU Rep and HSR, Brendan has worked to keep his sub-branch united and positive under difficult circumstances. A principled and highly active Rep, Brendan is an influential supporter of the 30 + 8 workload model negotiated in the last Catholic Agreement and a constructive contributor to the Reps social media page, offering support and advice to other Reps and members.
Anna Apfelstedt, Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg
‘Anna has been an incredibly consistent Rep supporting the members thoroughly and with expertise,’ said her nominating Organiser. ‘Anna has been instrumental in ensuring that the Consultative Committee take a full account of entitlements and changes in the Agreement, and she’s built a strong professional dialogue with the school to ensure that the collaboration with leadership has positive outcomes.’
Fran Bateman, St Patrick’s School Camperdown
Fran has led her school’s Consultative Committee implementation and has been committed to upholding TIL entitlements per the Agreement. This has resulted in a thorough review of directed duties, ensuring all activities are accurately counted for each staff member. Despite the historically union-resistant environment in the western districts, Fran has actively promoted union presence and recruits new members when possible.
Chiara Costanzo, St John’s College, Preston
Chiara is an outstanding union representative whose dedication and skill have had a powerful impact on her members. She’s proven to be an unstoppable force at the bargaining table, advocating tirelessly to secure better wages and working conditions. Her strategic approach and deep understanding of member rights have earned her immense respect from union members and management alike.
Bri Hassett, Catholic College Sale
Within a few weeks of being elected as the Rep of the sub-branch that had been in the doldrums for a couple of years, Bri formed a willing and diverse sub-branch committee and proceeded to push back on a POL-related decision the principal was attempting to rush through the CC without proper consultation. Bri was able to energise and organise members to get the decision changed in the CC and to show to all staff the power of union.
Sophie Bird (pictured) and Marla Leitch, St Aloysius
These Reps have done a wonderful job making their sub-branches active and involved in the Tasmanian Catholic EA campaign. Both ran Two Years Too Long events, running an active ‘stunt’ outside the Kingston Beach campus. They were ‘ready and prepared’ to run industrial action as part of the protected action campaign.
Dave Rae, St Pats Launceston
The Organiser who put forth Dave’s name put it simply: ‘Excellent Rep who advocated for members and is growing the sub-branch well’.