Brisbane conference galvanises union movement
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Brisbane conference galvanises union movement

The ACTU’s first all-union get-together since 2017 was a rousing celebration of collectivism and the campaign for a Yes vote in the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum.

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‘Workload Agreement’ wins resounding support
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

‘Workload Agreement’ wins resounding support

The IEU's new leaders General Secretary David Brear and Deputy General Secretary Kylie Busk are thrilled that 78.5% of voters have supported the new Agreement in 453 MACS+ Victorian Catholic Schools.

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Workload Agreement: the Yes vote convert
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Workload Agreement: the Yes vote convert

IEU Rep Con Chrys has changed his position on the Victorian Catholic Agreement after taking a closer look at how it regulates teacher workloads.

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Agreement Mythbusters!
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Agreement Mythbusters!

There’s a LOT to unpack in this proposed Agreement. Here are a few of the most common concerns we are hearing about the proposed Agreement, with our responses:

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The Workload Agreement cheat sheet
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

The Workload Agreement cheat sheet

The lowdown on the Victorian Catholic Schools Agreement, and links to further information on the deal’s main issues.

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Unions hail new protections for migrant workers
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Unions hail new protections for migrant workers

ACTU President Michele O’Neil says new migrant worker exploitation is “a national shame” and new laws tackling the plight of migrant workers in Australia are an important step forward.

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IEUVT supports historic early childhood education pay push
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

IEUVT supports historic early childhood education pay push

The IEU Victoria Tasmania has supported the IEU NSW branch as it lodged an application before the Fair Work Commission to allow supported bargaining for an enterprise agreement with a block of child care employers in NSW.

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Worawa students on the Voice to Parliament 
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Worawa students on the Voice to Parliament 

Worowa is not your average school. Although based in Victoria, students primarily hail from remote communities in central and western Australia and when The Point visited recently, student attendance numbers at the boarding school were down, for good reason - small planes couldn’t land to pick up pupils because of extensive flooding.

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Tasmanian Catholic bargaining update
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Tasmanian Catholic bargaining update

Negotiations on a new Agreement covering staff in Tasmanian Catholic schools has recommenced, with a meeting held on 12 May between the IEU and employer representatives.

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