‘Workload Agreement’ wins resounding support

The IEU's new leaders General Secretary David Brear and Deputy General Secretary Kylie Busk are thrilled that 78.5% of voters have supported the new Agreement in 453 MACS+ Victorian Catholic Schools.

David says the strong endorsement of the Yes vote is a vindication of members’ determined efforts to achieve regulation of working hours during a long campaign.

“It’s an historic first, which puts a cap on what teachers can be asked to do in addition to their classroom duties,” Dave said.  

“It’s crucial that this successful vote fences off the core duties of educators. This Agreement is the starting line for a new attitude to workloads. It provides a structure which Reps, members and all staff can use to improve their working lives. The union staff congratulate all the members who campaigned so passionately, and with so much patience and persistence through such an arduous bargaining process.”

Thirty of 31 employers voted Yes.

In Melbourne Archdiocese schools, where over 10,600 votes were tallied, the Yes vote was 76.6%.

In Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited schools (1677 votes) the Yes vote was 84.7%.

In the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL), where over 1300 employees voted, 78.9% supported the union’s ‘Workload Agreement’.

In one single-employer school, the vote was narrowly lost – we will be working with the staff and leadership at that workplace to find a way to ensure that the benefits of the Agreement will still apply.

The IEU has multiple one-hour training sessions planned for early Term 2 which focus on the changes for Consultative Committees as a result of wins in the new Agreement. This training is designed to help Consultative Committee employee Reps understand how to implement the changes at their schools. There will be further training offered later in Term 3 and Term 4 about how to get your school's Consultative Committee functioning and to ensure the consultation occurs according to the CEMEA 2022.

Participation in this online training is fundamental to your role if you are an Employee Consultative Committee Rep and your attendance is strongly encouraged. 

July: Wed 12, Mon 17, Thurs 20, Tues 25
August: Wed 2, Thurs 3, Mon 7

Bookings via Member Access


Brisbane conference galvanises union movement


Workload Agreement: the Yes vote convert