Summer reading suggestions
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Summer reading suggestions

Good books, and a couple of ratbag books, to consider for your summer holiday reading.

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Education and union reading
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Education and union reading

Latest reads, including news and views on the new IR bill, personalised teaching, and the pre-Christmas education summit.

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Victorian Catholic bargaining impasse continues
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Victorian Catholic bargaining impasse continues

The IEU has been negotiating with Victorian Catholic employers for over two years on a new Agreement, despite such deals being finalised long ago with Sale Diocese Catholic schools and in the state government sector.

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The teacher shortage crisis: recruitment or retention?
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

The teacher shortage crisis: recruitment or retention?

There is an ongoing debate around what is causing the teacher shortage crisis and what we should be doing about it. Teacher and IEU member Jack Andrews says it’s time to move past band aid solutions.

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Unions support Secure Work, Better Pay Bill
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Unions support Secure Work, Better Pay Bill

The proposed Secure Work, Better Pay Bill offers Australian employees the first hope at restoring some of their bargaining power in the lopsided industrial landscape.

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From The Age: Capitalists keep the spoils
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

From The Age: Capitalists keep the spoils

Have you ever wondered why capitalism has survived for several centuries in the advanced economies? How a relative handful of rich families and company executives have been getting richer and more powerful for so long in countries where everyone gets a vote?

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