Education and union reading

Jason Clare’s mission possible: ambitious reform of our schools


The pre-Christmas meeting of education ministers provides the opportunity for political leaders to show they understand the challenges facing the national school system.

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What does the new IR legislation mean for workers?

Australian Unions

After almost a decade of little to no real wage growth, new IR laws have come when they are most needed. But how exactly will they affect you?

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The NDIS is an investment in a decent society, not a "burden" on the Budget

The Future of Everything

The NDIS was introduced to share these costs across the whole community, instead of disabled people and their families going broke, in the same way that we share healthcare costs.

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Young voters have issued a warning: Ignore us at your peril

Triple j Hack

Analysis from the Australian National University's Australian Election Study (AES) released this week should make Coalition strategists quake in their boots.

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Progress stalls on closing gender pay gap


Progress on closing Australia’s gender pay gap has stalled for the first time in the nine years that the Workplace Gender Equality Agency has collected data on it.

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A socialist breakthrough in Victoria

Red Flag

At the Victorian state election, the Socialists connected with people who feel abandoned by the major parties, doubling their campaign and significantly improving their vote.

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Laying it on too thick: scaremongering over IR changes

The Age

Ross Gittins says the prize for the biggest storm-in-a-teacup of the year must surely go to the Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill. 

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Greens to push for ‘right to disconnect’ in next wave of IR changes

The Age

Workers’ right to ignore calls or emails from their bosses after hours will be among the Greens’ key demands when the federal government begins its next wave of workplace reforms.

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Personalised learning is billed as the ‘future’ of schooling: what is it and could it work?

The Conversation

My research with Australian teachers trialling personalised learning suggests it “makes sense”. But we need to think carefully about how it is rolled out.

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The teacher shortage plan must do more to recruit and retain First Nations teachers

The Conversation

First Nations peoples have the oldest teaching and learning techniques and knowledges in the world. This has the potential to benefit all students. Recruiting and retaining First Nations teachers is crucial to this becoming a reality.

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

World Socialist Web Site

A rundown of industrial action around the globe, including teachers in secondary schools across Scotland holding two days of strikes over pay.

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From The Point: advice for school job season


From Australian Unions: What the IR bill means for workers