No More Freebies actions proliferate in MACS schools

“I’m staying with No More Freebies forever!”

So said a Rep at training day, 13 October. She’d continue to work hard for students but would no longer take on extra duties – regardless of when a deal in Catholic education is struck. Taking part in the No More Freebies campaign had made it even more stark to her how much of her time had been stolen by a ridiculous workload.

This viewpoint was repeated throughout the day – “the more I refuse non-teaching duties, the more obvious it is that the current workload is unsustainable.”

The beauty of No More Freebies, and the training day, was that Reps and members shared ideas like this. Every workplace is unique and there are no campaign actions that suit every school. But, by sharing what they have devised for their own situation, Reps inspired others to come up with variations that suit their staff and school.

That said, when we reviewed the actions Reps have devised, the following repeated many times:

  • No attendance at out of hours school events like art shows and concerts

  • Leaving school grounds outside scheduled class times

  • Refusing supposedly ‘voluntary’ or non-compulsory activities.

The more creative actions included:

  • Not answering emails after work hours, changing profile photos to union photos

  • Event outside of school before the beginning of the school day – “we held up our IEU school banner and offered an explanatory handout to parents dropping off their kids”

  • No written feedback – verbal and scores ONLY

  • No parent contact outside school hours.

An artful example

Here’s a great example of a creative action building awareness and empathy without inconveniencing students or hurting the school.

Instead of boycotting an after-hours Art Show, teachers attached their No More Freebies badges and talked with parents, collecting signatures for a petition to MACS.

Members were “overwhelmed” by the resulting show of support, with 94 parents signing a petition urging Melbourne based Catholic schools to align the conditions and pay of their school’s staff with those who work in Government Schools and the Sale Diocese. There are 111 families at this school and not all could attend the show – this was a startling strike rate.

The Rep who relayed the news to her Organiser said, “All staff supported the Art Show and were in attendance from straight after school until 7.30pm as we are committed to our families and students and our actions are not going to disadvantage our community”.

She said the parents were “so supportive” in the discussions and were “shocked” to learn that staff don't already receive time in lieu or overtime for attending camp, sacraments, and nights like the Art Show.

No More Freebies actions list

Here is the full list of More Freebies actions being undertaken in schools by the 47 Reps who attended training day:

·      No out of hours work; staff off campus when they don’t have scheduled duties

·      Staff not attending out of hours events

·      No parent contact outside school hours

·      No after-hours emails/phone calls; ‘out of office’ response on emails 4pm-8am

·      No work on day off for part-time staff

·      No participation in non-compulsory events

·      Daily communal walk-out at 3.45pm

·      Changing profile photos to union photos

·      Petitions to MACS signed by parents

·      Message to parents about our participation in NMF

·      No attendance at lunchtime meetings

·      Saying no to whole of school celebrations

·      More sub-branch meetings

·      Catching up with the principal each week to see where the EBA is at

·      Campaign Working Group established

·      Cancel before school and lunchtime clubs, training, and extra classes

·      Encouraging teachers/staff to wear the NO MORE FREEBIES badges

·      No written feedback – verbal and scores ONLY

·      Talking to students about the No More Freebies campaign

·      Survey of all members

·      Event held outside of school before the beginning of the school day where NMF handout given to parents dropping off their kids

·      Flooding the staffroom with NMF posters and to awareness

·      Cancellation of health and wellbeing festival

·      Non-attendance at information nights, formals, dinners

·      No report comment for Term 4

·      Non-attendance at Year 9/10 2-day excursion

·      Meetings finish promptly at their set and agreed time


Veteran teacher shares his concerns for Catholic education


UPDATED: IEU monitors flood crisis to help affected members