IEU Statement - Victorian outbreak
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

IEU Statement - Victorian outbreak

The over-representation of school staff in the latest outbreak underscores the urgent need for vaccination of our education workforce.

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Best education reads
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Best education reads

From the campaign for teacher vaccinations to ‘gamifying’ the classroom, here is the best education and union reading of the week gathered for your convenience.

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How schools coped in lockdown - from
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

How schools coped in lockdown - from

A survey of 23,000 Victorian school staff, students and parents says independent schools fared reasonably well during 2020's mandatory lockdowns, but it highlighted the difficulties of remote learning, particularly for those in Year 12.

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When things go pear-shaped: why you need your union
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

When things go pear-shaped: why you need your union

Teachers have plenty to read. But for those yet to join their union, the following testimonials should go to the top of the pile. Take heed of your peers and colleagues: you need experts on your side when the going gets tough.

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Casual changes a looming disaster for millions
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Casual changes a looming disaster for millions

The Industrial Relations Omnibus Bill sounds tame enough, but it has shockingly anti-worker provisions that threaten the employment security of millions of Australians.

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Employee sacked for refusing flu shot
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Employee sacked for refusing flu shot

Can employers demand employees get vaccinated? In January, the ACTU saw the dangers of a ‘divisive public debate’ about whether vaccination should be compulsory in some workplaces.

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IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

COVID, floods make our contribution to Timor-Leste vital

Australian unions look after local workers, but they have always had a global vision. APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, aims to assist the needy and fuel real change and growth across the world.

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Experts says clean air is more important than clean hands
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Experts says clean air is more important than clean hands

At the outset of the pandemic, it was drummed into us to social distance and wash our hands thoroughly. We were obsessed with not touching things which could be infectious or avoiding touching our face after we touched things.

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