COVID, floods make our contribution to Timor-Leste vital

Australian unions look after local workers, but they have always had a global vision. APHEDA, the global justice organisation of the Australian union movement, aims to assist the needy and fuel real change and growth across the world.

In 2020-21, the IEU's $15,000 contribution to APHEDA offered vital assistance to a populace ravaged by the COVID pandemic and catastrophic floods.

APHEDA and its partners backed the Strengthening and Supporting Rural Farmers Organisations (SSRFO) project in Timor-Leste, which mobilised thousands of workers and consolidated three district farmers’ unions, enabling comprehensive COVID prevention training for rural communities.

In the district of Suai/Covalima, local organisers helped the farmer’s union become the central hub to inform farmers and help communities secure and disinfect public areas and teach COVID safe practices.

APHEDA partners also delivered a workshop on COVID prevention and safety for 80 people with disabilities.

It also helped to establish financial cooperatives to fight price gouging and lobby the government for price regulation for products bought from farmers.

These measures are crucial because the COVID pandemic and April's flooding disasters depressed local markets, disrupted fragile supply chains, and reduced the negotiating power of local producers. Travel bans reduced food import availability and prices of local product directly affecting subsistence farmers and those most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, who already face high food insecurity and poverty.

APHEDA assisted in developing sustainable farming and irrigation, sadly relevant in a year when crops were decimated by a drought then catastrophic flooding. Project partners have worked with communities on tree nursery, reforestation, and water conservation projects.

Catastrophic flooding in Timor Leste over the 2021 Easter Weekend inundated the capital city of Dili and many rural areas destroying homes, roads, and bridges.

In locations where farmers are still able to harvest food, the capacity to sell their produce and provide an income to the families has been dramatically reduced by road closures and COVID travel restrictions bringing the local economies to almost a complete standstill.

In the next year, the IEU's contribution to APHEDA will help with assessing damage, rebuilding, and responding to the humanitarian crisis while trying to control the spread of COVID-19. APHEDA partners have identified areas where humanitarian support is urgently required and are working to provide necessities to the most vulnerable families.

Planning for medium and long term recovery includes strengthening local food systems, and markets.

Following an assessment led by the KSTL (the peak union body of Timor Leste), over 650 union members from across multiple industry groups were assessed as being high risk and in need of urgent humanitarian support. Funds raised through APHEDA’s Timor Leste appeal will be directed to providing basic food items for the most vulnerable.

How you can help

By contributing today, you will help APHEDA’s Timor Leste partner organisations:

  • Play their roles in recovering from the impact of both the COVID and flood disasters

  • Ensure project partner organisations are equipped with the resources they need to support members impacted by the crisis

  • Sustain their successful movement-building and organising among workers, women and farmers

  • Practical assistance to restore livelihoods impacted by the double crisis

  • Strengthen rights for Timorese workers, women, and farmers to collectively organise.



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