IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Ensure lasting peace in the Middle East

Education International says that rebuilding in Palestine must occur on a 'solid, democratic and rights-respecting ground' and urges Israelis and Hamas to renounce violence and commit to resolving underlying causes of conflict.

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IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Indigenous reconciliation for teachers

Indigenous reconciliation for teachers 26 May

“Reconciliation is for white people. (They) are the ones who need to reconcile,” tweeted Yorta Yorta rapper Adam Briggs recently. How can non-indigenous Australians engage more meaningfully with National Reconciliation Week? We have some suggestions.

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The gaps widen: how COVID has affected education
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

The gaps widen: how COVID has affected education

Teacher magazine examines the state of education one year into the coronavirus pandemic, finding the crisis has exposed the many inadequacies and inequities in our school systems.

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IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

The push for an increase to the minimum wage

Workers from across industries join ACTU Secretary Sally McManus at the Fair Work Commission to encourage the Morrison Government to institute a 3.5 % increase to the minimum wage.

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Parents, teachers avoid race discussions
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Parents, teachers avoid race discussions

Children want to learn about racism, but many teachers and parents feel ill-equipped to discuss it, allowing racial bias to develop, a new study from Monash University’s Faculty of Education has found.

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Walking can prove your saviour
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Walking can prove your saviour

Walking is about more than getting from one place to another, says Assistant Principal Amanda Alcock. She's told Teacher magazine it provides clarity around family, mortality, personal relationships, travel plans, finances and career goals.

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Students and teachers lead climate fight
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Students and teachers lead climate fight

In May, we saw the inspirational student strikes for climate in Australia. But there were significant events worldwide. From Teachers for Climate in the Netherlands to Townsville's weather stations project, our round-up brings you some of the most intriguing current environmental global initiatives.

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The kids are alright: School Strikes 4 Climate
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

The kids are alright: School Strikes 4 Climate

IEU General Secretary and Trades Hall President Deb James made a keynote speech at this event, marvelling at the clever, passionate, highly organised students leading the fight for sustainable development.

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Face to face with new reps
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Face to face with new reps

Meet the newest cohort of IEU Reps, idealistic and enthusiastic teachers keen to learn new skills to improve conditions for colleagues.

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What is professional kindness?
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

What is professional kindness?

'A teacher can be effective, efficient, inclusive, and strategic. Still, unless they are professionally kind along with these things, the learners suffer.'

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When climate change hits home
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

When climate change hits home

Year 12 student Aimee Griffiths is half-Vietnamese and wants to 'move back home one day', but she told Megaphone her city Hanoi is predicted to be underwater by 2050. Read how a personal experience of global warming informed her work organising the School Strike for Climate.

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Insecure work in Catholic schools
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Insecure work in Catholic schools

There is still an unacceptably high level of Fixed-Term Contract (FTC) use in our schools. Often, a simple conversation is all that is required to get illegitimate fixed-term contracts converted to ongoing contracts.

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Principals unite to tackle mental health crisis
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Principals unite to tackle mental health crisis

Australia’s major principals’ associations have announced a 9,000-strong coalition to tackle soaring workloads, worsening mental health issues and increased incidences of bullying, violence, and harassment.

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