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PD Webinar - Differentiation for students with a learning disability

Learning Diversity and Inclusion  - supporting all students

Teachers in 21st century classrooms are challenged to ensure that all students can achieve success. The challenge is increased when students in the classroom have learning disabilities. All teachers need the opportunity to increase their knowledge about the major learning disabilities and to broaden their teaching strategies to differentiate to meet the needs of all students in the classroom.

In this program one of Australia's leading teachers on working with students with learning disabilities will outline approaches to self-regulation and sensory processing, behavioural issues, and knowledge acquisition, experienced by those students with learning disability. There will be a focus on ASD and ADHD. It is a practical, classroom focused course.

Presenter - Belinda Webb

Category - Teachers

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10 July

IEU Middle Leadership Program – Session 2/6: Managing challenging conversations

1 August

PD Webinar - Supporting students who have experienced trauma