Know your Agreement: Meetings limits
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Know your Agreement: Meetings limits

Fewer meetings, more efficiently run. Every educator wants that. And this Agreement delivers the means for that outcome through the 30+8 workload model.

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Know Your Agreement: Time in Lieu (Teachers)
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Know Your Agreement: Time in Lieu (Teachers)

For the first time under this Agreement, the many hours of employer-directed work outside of normal hours undetaken by teachers in Victorian Catholic schools are accounted for and acknowledged.

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Know your Agreement: Flexible leave
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Know your Agreement: Flexible leave

All employees apart from casuals with a personal leave balance will be eligible for one day (7.6 hours) paid leave for personal reasons to be taken at a time approved by the principal.

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Tasmanian Catholic bargaining update - July 2023
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Tasmanian Catholic bargaining update - July 2023

Negotiations between the IEU and Tasmanian Catholic school employers continued at a full day meeting in Hobart in mid-July, but the parties are still some way off reaching agreement on several key issues.

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Know your agreement: Workload Commitments
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Know your agreement: Workload Commitments

Lurking at clause 9.3 of CEMEA is an important statement: “The parties are committed to working together in development strategies to support the workload of Teachers and Principals…”

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Know Your Agreement: 30+8
IEU Victoria Tasmania IEU Victoria Tasmania

Know Your Agreement: 30+8

This is a huge change - for the first time, this Agreement defines the working week of teachers, and protects their professional autonomy by putting strict limits around the amount of time in any week that a teacher can be directed by their employer.

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