Vaccination requirements in Victorian education

29 September

On 22 September, it was announced that vaccination will be a requirement for staff who work in Victorian schools and early childhood settings. These requirements were further clarified in COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Directions (No 5) published on 1 October.

By 18 October, all staff except those with a medical exemption will be required either to have received a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or to show evidence of a booking to receive their first dose on or before 25 October. All staff (except those with a medical exemption) will be required to show evidence that they are fully vaccinated by 29 November.

The IEU has not advocated for this mandatory vaccination policy, but we have consistently encouraged members to protect themselves, their families and their school communities by getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

We recognise the concerns that some staff have about vaccination requirements. These are valid, given that this is unprecedented in our industry. However, these concerns must be balanced against the critical importance of ensuring a safe workplace for all IEU members. Because no vaccine provides complete protection, our collective safety is dependent upon as many staff as possible being vaccinated. A vaccinated workforce is also the best guarantee against further disruptions to schooling arrangements, which we all know from experience take a significant toll on staff and students alike. 

We strongly advise any member with concerns about the vaccine to consult their GP. There is an enormous amount of conflicting, confusing and contradictory information and opinion circulating online about vaccinations, but only your doctor can give you informed, expert advice that takes into account your personal circumstances. The IEU can support and represent any member who does have a medical exemption – but the initial advice must come from a medical professional.

Vaccinations alone, crucial as they are, are not enough. We welcome the announcement of additional funding for safety measures being introduced to improve ventilation in Victorian schools, and we will continue to advocate for best practice health and hygiene measures in our workplaces.

The IEU’S primary concern is the health, safety and wellbeing of members. The fastest, safest way out of the pandemic is a high rate of vaccination right across our communities.


Talkin’ about our vaccinations


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