IEU condemns protest violence

The IEU is shocked and appalled by the protests and violence in recent days in Melbourne and we condemn it unconditionally.

Such behaviour is at odds with the values we hold collectively as unionists. Not only does it spread the coronavirus, it is a kick in the guts to frontline health workers and police officers, making their already difficult job trying to keep Victorians safe even harder. 

Everyone is entitled to their point of view but frustration at lockdowns is no excuse for anti-social and dangerous conduct. 

We must all do our part to support keeping our community safe, especially those who are most vulnerable.

The protests are part of a wider campaign of misinformation currently underway, with a small group of people flooding in-boxes and social media, including at the IEU, with false claims that COVID-19 vaccines are ‘experimental’ and illegal. 

We are all tired of this virus, but we can’t afford to let that weariness overcome our resolve to do the right thing by our families, friends and the wider community. 

Throughout the pandemic the IEU has been guided by expert public health advice, which states that vaccinations are the most important way for our community to return to normal. We support official health orders because we trust the experts whose job it is to look after our safety. 

The vaccines are safe, proven and effective. To say otherwise prolongs the pandemic and endangers us all. Those with genuine medical exemptions do not have to vaccinate but those who can get the jab should do so as soon as possible.  

Members tell us how much they want lockdown and remote learning to end but they also want safety for themselves and their families. We achieve this by continuing to follow the health advice, and by getting vaccinated if and when we can. 

We must stay the course and stick together.


Vaccination requirements in Victorian education


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