Make your voice heard in the ATWD teacher survey

A huge teacher shortage is looming if issues facing educators, including workload intensification, are not addressed.

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To assess the extent of those issues, the IEU urges all teachers to undertake a ten-minute survey that forms a key part of the federal government's Australian Teacher Workforce Data (ATWD) project.

The ATWD, run by the Australian Institute for Teaching and Leadership (AITSL) aims to build a comprehensive picture of the national teaching workforce, from initial teacher education through to the end of a teaching career.

The ATWD Survey is the largest national survey of the teacher workforce in Australia. It will offer a crucial insight into modern teaching, including trends in teaching loads and non-teaching activities and shortages in specialisations.

The survey is the Teacher Voice in the ATWD. It is a voluntary, 10-minute survey that is sent annually to all registered teachers in Australia to help identify important developments and trends in the teaching profession over time. All teachers have unique experiences and insights, and every teacher’s story is an important part of the picture.

How to participate

Look out for an email invitation to participate in the ATWD Teacher Survey from your teacher regulatory authority.

The survey is already open for Tasmanian teachers. It is opening in term 4 for Victorian teachers.

Click here for all the details.


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