Latest reading on teacher workloads


Facts about teachers

The Age

Despite its complexity, and the insights into that complexity that parents in Australia gained while supervising remote learning over the past two years, teaching is often thought of as an “easy” job.

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Red tape and pushy parents the top reason teachers are quitting

Daily Telegraph

I love teaching, but sadly it only takes up 20 per cent of my time. The rest is spent on dealing with red tape and bureaucracy.

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Teachers deserve our admiration and praise, not constant criticism

Canberra Times

When it comes to teachers, mental and physical fatigue take on a whole new meaning. We've all been doing it tough, but teachers have been especially hard hit when it comes to taking on greater mental loads than most.

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Reform urgently needed to help teachers do their job

The Age

Teachers are ringing the alarm about their workloads. Governments need to start listening. Bold reforms are needed to set up the profession for success.

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Six Causes of Teacher Burnout

Daniela Falecki

From staff shortages to student mental health issues, literacy measures and anxious parents, teachers are expected to rely on their own social and emotional resources to not only cope, but go above and beyond to meet everyone's needs except their own. Enough is enough!

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Catholic school teachers lay the groundwork for industrial action in term 2

Canberra Times

Catholic school staff could go on strike in term 2 as negotiations over pay and conditions in New South Wales and the ACT stall.

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Higher salaries might attract teachers but pay isn’t one of the top 10 reasons for leaving

The Conversation

Salary alone is enough to motivate people to stick with a long-term career in teaching.

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