Best recent education and union reads

'People living in cars': Rising inflation is devastating for low-income earners, community groups say

SBS News

Cassandra Goldie – CEO of Australia Council of Social Services (ACOSS) – said rising inflation was having a devastating impact on the lives of low-income earners.

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Australia risks US-style Great Teacher Resignation – expert

The Educator

The latest report into the health and wellbeing of Australia’s school leaders found that principals and their deputies work on average at least 55 hours a week, while a quarter of those report working more than 60 hours a week.

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Teachers are weighing up their options


They are positive and passionate about their subject and their students, experts in their field, and they work every day to support the children in their care. Despite this, there has been an “erosion of trust” in the professional capacity of our teachers.

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Digital revolution is leaving economists scratching their heads

The Age

Production of digital products involves “increasing returns to scale”, which is good news for both producers and consumers but not economists because their standard model assumes returns are either constant or declining.

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Politicians should be on a worker’s wage


Victorian Socialist candidates have pledged take to accept only an average wage if elected.

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Election Coverage in the Passive Voice


The breathless wallowing of much of the media speaks—shouts—to a desire, not to inform or analyse on behalf of an audience of citizens, but to perform to an audience of peers.

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Insecure work isn’t a made-up problem. It isn’t normal. And it isn’t inevitable

The New Daily

The world of stable, secure work is long gone. It has been eroded badly as various forms of insecure work spread through the labour market. Especially for young workers, the idea of a permanent waged job with normal entitlements now seems like a far-off dream.

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Katherine Deves wasn’t chosen in spite of her views on trans people. She was chosen because of them


As the Warringah candidate's past catches up with her, her selection shows how she was chosen for, not despite, her anti-trans beliefs.

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This election is a vacuum of ideas. That’s bad news for Labor

The Age

It’s been bizarre to see Labor lurch further to the right, and closer to the Coalition, at every election since 2007.

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Best recent education and union reads


Latest reading on teacher workloads