Teachers and educators play an important role in modelling the acceptance of the diversity of students in contemporary classrooms. This course is designed to support teachers and educators to expand their own knowledge about sexual and gender diversity. This will be a general information session that covers the language of sexual and gender diversity, including the LGBTIQA+ acronym, as well as the experiences of LGBTIQA+ students and how LGBTIQA+ people are portrayed in the media. There will be a focus on what teachers and educators can do to support LGBTIQA+ students in schools and how teachers and educators can promote a culture of acceptance. The session will be delivered by staff from Safe Schools Victoria.
Presenter - Safe Schools
To book in go to https://ieulearninghub.topclasslms.com/ and log in using your IEU member number as your username and ‘ieu2022’ as your one time login code. You will be prompted to set your own password after this initial login.