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PD Webinar - The power of good coaching questions

In classrooms we are trained to ask high quality questions of our students, but as colleagues we don’t always feel confident asking high quality questions of our peers. Sometimes we don’t know what questions to ask and sometimes we are worried about creating tension by asking questions about the classroom work of a colleague. We can learn to ask good quality coaching questions that create healthy dialogue about our teaching work in the classroom.

That is the purpose of this course; to learn about a new framework for asking good questions that challenge our colleagues to improve their teaching without being negative or judgemental. This is about creating a psychologically safe relationship in which we can challenge each other to improve. Teaching is complex, but it is our work and our profession. As teachers we are the best people to do that and asking good coaching questions is an important skill for us to learn. This will be a practical session in which you will be encouraged to trial the coaching questions framework.

Presenter - Katrina Bourke

Book online via the IEU Learning Hub

31 August

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