Image: Two Years: Too Long! Tasmanian Catholic Agreement

The Tasmanian Catholic Education Agreement expired back in September 2021, and the IEU tabled a Log of Claims in February 2022. Our colleagues in government schools finalised their new Agreement in April 2023.

But we’re still waiting…


Rather than seeking to ensure that Tasmanian Catholic schools remain competitive with government schools, employers are digging in their heels over simply unreasonable claims such as:

  • The ability to forcibly transfer staff between schools

  • An increase to the number of days that teachers can be required to work

  • Resignation notice requirements of up to a full term

  • Extending the school year

  • Re-writing important hard-won clauses such as the scope of Consultative Committees, redundancy provisions and performance management procedures.

At the same time, they are pushing back against our claims which would ensure that Catholic school staff are not left behind.

IEU members in Catholic schools deserve the following improvements:

  • Full payment of the Lower Income Payments delivered in government schools

  • A reduction in scheduled class time for primary teachers (to match government schools)

  • A reduction in additional duties for secondary teachers

  • A better School Support Employees classification and wages structure

  • Increased paid parental leave, with superannuation payments

  • Top-up payments for Deputy Principals and Education Officers

  • 15 days personal leave for all staff

  • Workload reductions for graduate teachers and mentors

  • Limits to meetings

  • More guaranteed preparation time for teachers

  • Paid preparation time for Teachers Assistants

  • Better job security through improved redundancy payments and provisions.

It’s taking too long - we need your support!

What YOU can do right now:

Stronger together

Our strength at the bargaining table comes from the collective strength of the members standing behind us. If you are already an IEU member, invite a colleague to join you in your union.

Stay updated

Get on the campaign mailing list to stay up-to-date with how bargaining is progressing and how you can take action.

Send an email

Catholic Education Tasmania has set up an email address for employee feedback on the status of Agreement negotiations – so let’s make sure they know what you think! Email:

Ask them to drop their unworkable claims, to commit to ensuring that salaries and employment conditions in Catholic schools don’t fall behind government schools – and to stop keeping you waiting!

IEU members have been taking action to demand a new Agreement!


Timeline of Tasmanian
Catholic Education bargaining


15 February 2022

Following extensive member consultation, the Independent Education Union provided a Log of Claims to the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office Bargaining Team.

15 March

IEU met with TCEO, and explained our log of claims in detail.

23 May

The employers issued the Notice of Employee Representational Rights.

15 June

IEU emailed TCEO seeking date for a bargaining meeting. 

The TCEO fails to respond, and continues to refuse to meet with the IEU in person. TCEO claims it is consulting directly with staff through a ‘portal’, but cannot satisfactorily explain how this ‘consultation’ will operate.

8 August

IEU made an application to the Fair Work Commission for good faith bargaining orders.  Through this process we were able to get commitment from the TCEO to meet with us on three scheduled dates, including at least once in person.

6 + 26 October

The parties met online. Limited progress.

7 December

The TCEO met in person with IEU bargaining representatives at their lawyer’s office in Melbourne

Early 2023

Thanks to a change of personel on the TCEO bargaining team, regular in-person meetings resumed - however, progress has been far too slow, with employers apparently determined to undercut conditions in government schools.


The TCEO continues to resist crucial workload-busting measures that would bring Catholic schools closer into line with Tasmanian Government schools. They also, after 18 months of negotiations, table unnacceptable new claims to extend the working year and allow the forcible relocation of staff between schools.


IEU Reps from Catholic schools met and determined that we would commence member campaigning in Term 1 2024 if employer representatives continue to fail to bring an acceptable position to the bargaining table.

March 2024

‘Campaign Blitz Week’ sees dozens of schools committing to take action to build awareness of the bargaining impasse and to put pressure on employers to revise their position.

A history of winning -
Tasmanian Catholic Campaign 2014/15


When we stand together, we win!

This video showcases the historic industrial action of IEU members in Tasmanian Catholic education during their inspiring campaign to win a new EBA in 2014/15. It’s a timely reminder of the power of solidarity as they again fight to secure overdue improved pay and conditions in a new Agreement.


Remember, the IEU only consults and represents IEU members – so this is the perfect time to invite your colleagues to join you in the IEU so they can have their say and play their part in supporting a process which will benefit everyone in Catholic education. The more IEU members we have standing behind us at the bargaining table, the stronger we will be!

Join the IEU today