Voice to Parliament: links and resources

The IEUA view:

The IEU is wholeheartedly supporting a Yes vote for Indigenous recognition in the Constitution via a Voice to Parliament because we believe it will be an historical step towards true reconciliation and it provides a simple, fair, and unifying message.

We believe the government’s planned referendum, to be held 14 October, provides an historic opportunity for the Australian community to unite and for our First Nations People to be heard and listened to on laws that directly impact them and their communities.  

Our union previously committed our support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart when it was developed in 2017, because it was the result of a democratic and far-reaching process of consultation with First Nations peoples from around the nation.

Unions believe in greater consultation, representation, and inclusion. A First Nations Voice aligns with these core values and would provide a permanent line of communication and engagement between Indigenous people and the government.  

For too long Parliament has imposed laws on Indigenous people without proper consultation. A Voice to Parliament is a common-sense and modest proposal.  

The United States, New Zealand, Canada and many other nations have constitutional recognition of their Indigenous people. A mature and developed democracy such as Australia must heed their example and deliver this long overdue change.  

A Voice will help tackle discrimination and inequality. It will help refocus the collective effort needed to Close The Gap of disadvantage, including urgent action on failing education targets.  

The IEU proudly commits to supporting our First Nations members and their communities by supporting the ‘Yes’ campaign. 


Tasmanians for the Voice: Raymond Blizzard


Constitutional recognition and the Voice to Parliament: let’s get this done!