The week’s best education and union reads

Victorian religious schools to be banned from sacking LGBTIQ+ staff

From SBS News

Victorian religious schools will be banned from sacking or refusing to hire staff based on their sexual orientation or gender identity under new reforms proposed by the state government.

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What should be in Victoria’s school reopening plan

From The Age

The Age editorial says within the overarching constraint of ensuring the health system is not swamped by severe COVID cases, the government should weigh up all possible options to get students back to school safely before the end of the year 

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OECD says 2021 students should be offered summer school after lockdowns

From the Herald Sun

A new global report offers lessons in education for Australia from some of the countries hardest hit by Covid-19.

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Early childhood education is a vital aspect of Closing the Gap, World Vision says

From The Sector

Without an enduring commitment to making sure that First Nations children are school ready through quality early childhood education, Australia will struggle to close the gap, World Vision’s Acting Head of First Nations Programs Grant Paulson has said. 

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NSW inquiry rejects expert advice on Parental Rights Bill, and it will cause students to suffer

From The Conversation

A newly released report by a NSW parliamentary inquiry ignores scientific research in supporting changes to the Education Act. These changes are likely to add to the risks of harm that transgender and gender-diverse young people face.

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The effectiveness of school boards

From Teacher magazine

Which factors determine the effectiveness of school boards? A new study by academics from Monash University’s Business School has found that board diversity, board practices, and principal influence over board decisions, all impact board effectiveness. They also have a sizeable bearing on the school’s financial and academic wellbeing.

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Morrison and Berejiklian are attempting to shift the blame for Covid on to us

From The Guardian

In an amazing feat, both leaders shift attention away from their past performances and on to future freedoms to be granted, based on decisions made by the public

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Twenty Years After the Tampa Affair, Australia’s Left Must Keep Standing Up for Refugees

From Jacobin Australia

In 2001, conservative prime minister John Howard demonized 433 refugees who had been rescued at sea. It inaugurated an era of racist, abusive policies toward asylum seekers in Australia — and a movement that fights in solidarity with refugees.

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Australia is shaping to be the villain of COP26

From CNN

If Australia's allies were worried that the country might cause them problems at upcoming climate talks in Glasgow, the events of the past week should leave little doubt in their minds. It will.

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How the anti-lockdown fundraising machine keeps running

From Independent Australia

Proponents of the anti-lockdown movement have learnt the most effective ways to make money out of people's gullibility.

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Liveable Income Guarantee: a rich country can do better

From Michael West Media

The shift of wealth to the wealthier is driving interest in Universal Basic Income and Job Guarantee proposals as millions of Australians are being left behind by Australia’s mean welfare system, writes former National Times editor Brian Toohey.

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McCain workers set to win pay rise

From green left

After being locked out of their workplace twice by Canadian-owned McCain, frozen food workers in Smithton, Tasmania, have forced the multinational company to an in-principle agreement for a pay rise.

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NTEU Members Demand Secure Jobs & Safe Workloads

From Trades Hall Council

National Tertiary Education Union members have launched a National Week of Action to demand VCs fix the ongoing issues around insecure employment and oppressive workloads.
To give you an example of how shameful an issue this is: Melbourne Uni, Australia’s richest tertiary institution, last year listed reserves of $4.43 billion… while more than 70% of their staff were on casual or fixed-term contracts.
Click here for the full list of what’s on.

PETITION: Support proposed anti-discrimination law changes

Religious schools in Victoria will be prohibited from sacking or refusing to employ teachers because of their sexuality, gender or marital status under changes to anti-discrimination laws proposed by the Andrews government. 

You can show your support by signing this Megaphone petition.

It states: “We know the conservative Christian lobby will fight to have the proposal watered down. We must come together in our thousands to show our community supports the changes, and to ensure the strongest possible reform”.

Read More.

PETITION: Support Paid Vaccination Leave for All Workers

We won’t reach the required levels of COVID vaccination without both significantly increased vaccine supply and a rollout program that doesn’t rely on workers to try to get the jab on weekends or during lunch breaks.

Sign the petition here.

For COVID-19 links and resources: click here.








Vaccination Advice


IEU supports proposed anti-discrimination law changes