The week's best education and union reads

Alan Tudge says he doesn’t want students to be taught ‘hatred’ of Australia in fiery Triple J interview

From The Conversation

Education minister says Anzac Day should not be presented as ‘contested’ in draft national curriculum.

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Alan Tudge’s understanding of our history deserves a fail

From EduResearch Matters

The Social and Citizenship Education Association of Australia say the Minister for Education has mis-characterised aspects of the proposed History and Civics and Citizenship curricula.

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Remote learning is even harder when English isn’t students’ first language

From The Conversation

One in four primary and secondary students in Victoria and NSW are from language backgrounds other than English. They need help with wellbeing, resources and the kind of structural support schools provide.

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Climate activism isn’t making young people anxious. Climate change is

From The Guardian

Sydney student Natasha Abhayawickrama says young people want policy action, not chaplains.

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Melbourne principal stands by 'courageous' decision to make COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for staff

From ABC News

Xavier College principal William Doherty says he has experienced no pushback from staff following an official decision requiring all staff to be vaccinated upon returning to work. 

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Calls to make Covid jab mandatory for Victorian teachers

From the Herald Sun

Experts say the only way to stop students missing out on more class time is for Covid vaccinations to be made mandatory for all teachers.

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Priority vaccines for ACT teachers

From Education HQ

ACT teachers who have direct contact with students are now eligible for priority vaccinations.

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Calls for national school ventilation plan

From the Sydney Morning Herald

A coalition of health experts, architecture experts and the federal opposition are backing a national plan to improve ventilation in classrooms to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

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Schools, childcare centres source of most Victorian COVID-19 transmission

From The Age

More of Victoria’s COVID-19 cases recorded in the past month have stemmed from schools and childcare centres than any other type of setting, new Health Department data shows.

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In Australia, the Far Right Is Pushing COVID-19 Conspiracies

From Jacobin Australia

Jeff Sparrow investigates anti-vaccination protests and finds that behind unhinged conspiracy theories and rhetoric about freedom stand a core of far-right and fascist activists.

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Leaders who only tell us what we want to hear are letting everyone down

From Crikey

Guy Rundle says Scott Morrison's fatalism and belief in the supernatural is undergirding a lack of response to an emergency.

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The effects of Delta on the unemployed

From Overland

With hundreds of thousands of people again losing work or being stood down as the Delta variant smashes us, neither the major parties nor the media have seen fit to mention people on social security payments, let alone suggest that we deserve support.

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Year 12 student 'activists' eager to get vaccinated before final exams, principal finds – from ABC News


Xavier mandates jab for teachers as Andrews prepares for return to school - from The Age