The week's best education and union reads

It's the rich wot get to complain and the poor wot get infected

From the, 18 August 2021

Having so many workers without entitlement to sick leave has been a burden for those involved and for the rest of us, namely an increased risk of being infected by someone who, needing the money, keeps working when they shouldn’t.

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School-based vaccination program to begin in October

From AFR, 20 August 2021

As many as 2 million Australian children could receive COVID-19 vaccinations in schools from October, as the federal government works with the states to prepare for a term-four vaccination push.

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Canberra principal Leah Taylor says teachers need vaccination priority

From the Canberra Times, 20 August 2021

The principal of a Canberra school that has been exposed to COVID-19 says schools that remained open for children of essential workers put teachers "at the frontline" of the outbreak.

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Preparing schools for the return of students

From The Guardian, 22 August 2021

When school gates finally reopen, many students will return unvaccinated against Covid-19. Experts say schools need to prepare now to keep children safe later.

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The importance of ventilation and air cleaning in classrooms

From your union's website, 23 August, 2021

Experts explain how improving ventilation can revolutionise the safety of buildings like classrooms and show you the cheap air cleaners which can make a difference.

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Tasmanian student teachers drop out

From The Advocate, 20 August 2021

The Apple Isle is facing a teacher shortage, so there is concern about the growing rates of dropout from university teaching degrees.

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A winning formula

From The Australian, 20 August 2021

The "godfather" of STEM education in Australia says his non-profit F1 challenge proves our kids are as smart as any in the world.

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Spending on childcare is needed now

From the, 21 August

The former Premier of South Australia says a display of leadership and boldness from the Prime Minister could set our nation up for decades and create a lasting legacy for generations to come.

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For Morrison and Berejiklian the COVID game plan is dead simple: Let it rip!

From The New Daily, 17 August 2021

Once intensive care units are full, much of a hospital’s other functions become impossible. Hitting a vaccination percentage won’t guarantee an end to lockdowns and restraints – it will be the ICU case load that determines "freedom".

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COVID Is Exposing Australia’s Neoliberalised Health System

From, 14 August

Decades of privatization and cuts are ultimately to blame for Australia’s flawed pandemic response.

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Extinction Rebellion protesters target NAB

From, 17 August 2021

Seven Extinction Rebellion (XR) activists were evicted from National Australia Bank (NAB) on August 16, after unveiling placards showing the bank’s record of investment in fossil fuels.

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Morrison’s “Protecting Migrant Workers” Bill Will Do Anything But

From Megaphone Journal, 16 August 2021

The Protecting Migrant Workers Bill is a hubristic, uninformed strategy that will do little to actually protect migrant workers. 

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"If we care for Country, it will care for us"

What happens when the idea of Country is integrated into how Australian cities are planned?

From, 17 August 2021

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Short-term fixes leave child care at risk - from The Conversation


Poor remuneration slugging sentiment among early childhood educators - from The Mandarin