Deputy General Secretary: Achieving workload improvements and wage rises
In Australia, the education system is built on the back of asking overworked people to do more and asking good people to do more than they should.

2024 in review: CRT rates lifted
Casual Relief Teachers in Victorian Catholic schools continue to see increases to their daily rate of pay thanks to new provisions linking pay to the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review.

IEU General Secretary David Brear says the upcoming Victorian Catholic campaign is about pay
The current Agreements covering Catholic schools in Victoria expire at the end of 2025 and we have already begun the process of preparing the campaign for their replacement.

IEU appoints expert to work on wages policy
The IEU has shown it is serious about prioritising wages in upcoming negotiations on Agreements by hiring renowned industrial expert Patrick Lee.

The IEU on the Victorian Catholic Agreement a year on
It was a huge challenge to overturn decades of work intensification, but many IEU members say the Catholic Education Multi Employer Agreement is a ‘gamechanger’.