IEU members standing strong in independent schools

There is a change in Independent School bargaining, and it is picking up strength and speed.

IEU sub-branches are standing together to win long overdue improvements, and refusing to accept the status quo or to unquestioningly comply with their employers’ wishes during the voting process.

We are seeing a rise in the strength and solidarity of sub-branches. We’re seeing more unsatisfactory draft Agreements voted down, forcing employers back to the bargaining table. We’re seeing more Protected Action Ballots applied for and more Industrial Action planned or taken. Staff are increasingly unwilling to accept an employer’s position that genuine recognition of co-curricular expectations is impossible, that support staff salaries should be left behind, or that scheduled class time reductions to match industry standards can only be delivered with a pay cut.

At the bargaining table, Teachers and Educational Support Staff maintain their focus on delivering the best educational outcomes for their students, but they are no longer accepting that this must come at a cost to their personal health or their work-life balance. The result of this growing strength is the capacity to achieve greater outcomes in bargaining.

At the table


A vote of the proposed Camberwell Girls' Grammar School Agreement saw a historic 67% ‘no’ vote on the back of an incredible presentation by our IEU bargaining Reps who were unsatisfied with the position taken on cocurricular expectations, replacement classes and salary. To its credit, the school delivered negotiated salary increases despite the vote, and  bargaining representatives are preparing to return to the table to continue negotiations.

Negotiations at Preshil are continuing with the employer responding to the claims tabled by the IEU bargaining team.

IEU members at Ilim College have unanimously endorsed a draft Agreement which has been reviewed and is ready to proceed to vote. All improvements of the Agreement have already been implemented at s school-based level.

Employee bargaining reps are working with the IEU to finalise the staff Log of Claims at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School, which will soon be put to members for endorsement.

In-principle agreement has been reached at Hester Hornbrook Academy on a two-year deal with annual 2.5% wage increases, new regulation of working hours for all employees, and a reclassification of all Teaching Aides to Level 3. In a historic win, the Agreement will include Gender Affirmation Leave. Our First Nations comrades will have access to cultural and ceremonial leave, and all staff have won a day of paid cultural/religious leave.

Lauriston Girls' School bargaining has resulted in in-principle agreement being reached for a four-year deal, delivering annual 3% wage increases, increased parental leave and an increased allowance for Howqua Staff.

Bargaining continues for the Seventh Day Adventist Schools Enterprise Agreement, with negotiations focusing on improved salaries and conditions for staff working across Victorian Adventist Schools. Agreement has been reached on 10% salary increases over three years, inclusion of performance and conduct management processes, redundancy improvements, improved super contributions, reduction in holiday recall and a $150 camp allowance. However, negotiations continue over key IEU claims for a reduction in scheduled class time and extras.

Bargaining has commenced at Plenty Valley Christian College. The employees’ log of claims has been presented and the employer will respond shortly.  

Bargaining has recommenced at Ballarat Christian College, however the employer has refused most employee claims and is yet to table a salary offer. Key issues include the lack of salary increments for general staff and workload reduction measures for teachers.

Management has improved the pay offer for the Ballarat Grammar School (Assistants and ELC Staff) Agreement, with increases varying from 3% up to 19%. Final items are being negotiated, such as coverage of instrumental music teachers.

The Kardinia International College draft Agreement is poised to go to the vote, but due to the proposed salary increase of just 3% over the life of a lengthy Agreement the IEU has not endorsed the draft and it appears that there will be a significant ‘no’ vote.

Bargaining at Braemar College has been delayed, but the employee bargaining team is ready to table an endorsed Log of Claims.

An interim salary increase of 4% was provided to staff covered under the Monash Foundation Year Agreement, while bargaining continues around subsequent salary increases.

Korowa Anglican Girls' School employees have received a revised salary offer, and bargaining continues.

A Log of Claims is being developed for Yarra Valley Grammar School general staff and teachers' Agreements. A key priority is to move the school to one comprehensive Agreement covering all staff.


The Hutchins School general staff Agreement is ready to return to the vote after bargaining recommenced to include casuals within the Agreement.

Bargaining at St Michael's Collegiate has concluded and the draft Agreement is being reviewed. There has been an offer of an initial 4% salary increase (from March) with at least 3% in each subsequent year. A new classification structure has been developed and included with extra increments at all levels, giving experienced staff an extra 2% salary increase. Teaching staff remain concerned that workload reduction measures and face-to-face teaching hours have not been included in the Agreement.


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