IEU members at Woodleigh College vote for protected action

IEU members at Woodleigh College have overwhelmingly supported the protected action ballot they brought to end management obfuscation and intransigence. 

An affirmative vote averaging over 90%* clearly shows their resolve.

The result means members now have the option to undertake industrial action against their employer as they seek wage justice and conditions that reflect industry norms. After over four years of negotiations, it’s time for the impasse to end.

We salute members for sticking together and sticking to their guns. Your union, in workplaces all across Victoria, will back you all the way. We remain confident your resolve and persistence will be rewarded with a fair deal.

As teachers and support staff IEU members have their students’ interests foremost in their minds. They will now consider whether to ban meetings, electronic communication or take strike action.

Woodleigh PABO Poster.jpg
  • Unofficial figures. Twelve of the 16 questions were supported by over 90% of voters.


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