IEU outlines in-principle deal for Victorian Catholic schools

IEU General Secretary Deb James is keen for members in many Victorian Catholic schools to soak in the details of an in-principle Agreement which directly attacks workload intensification.

“Members know better than anyone that the campaign to get to this point was long and hard,” Deb says. “We’re eager to communicate the details of the proposed deal so those members understand how hard-fought workload improvements will be implemented.”

That process of communication began this week with a ‘Town Hall’ online meeting of over 200 Reps, then an email to all members in relevant schools and the launch of a mini site dedicated to explaining the technicalities of the new workload provisions.

The in-principle deal reached with employers of MACS-aligned schools centres on workload improvements, including a fundamental change to how the work of teachers is regulated.

The proposed Agreement emphasises “teacher autonomy, puts a cap on the time teachers can be directed, and recognises and counts the extra tasks demanded of teachers – while also reducing scheduled class time, phasing out extras in secondary schools and putting strict limits on meetings”.

It also introduces a new scale for Education Support Staff which provides better career structures and hugely improved salaries for the lowest paid staff in schools.

Deb says members embraced 2022’s No More Freebies campaign with gusto because it addressed “the volume of unacknowledged and unpaid extra work undertaken by teachers every day, and the toll this takes on wellbeing, work/life balance and ability to focus on core teaching work”.

IEU Organisers are already out in schools facilitating discussions about the details of the deal. The draft document needs to be finalised, but once it is complete it will be circulated to all staff in advance of a vote.

In the meantime, the new section of the IEU website provides members with details, explainer videos and pay-scales.

The union urges members to consult the site and get in touch with Organisers should they have any questions about the deal or how it will be implemented.

Deb thanked members for their solidarity and hard work in pushing the long-awaited outcome. She especially praised the creativity and tenacity of those active in the No More Freebies campaign, which ensured that the urgent need for workload reform stayed front of mind for media and employers.

“I’m confident that this is an Agreement which will serve our members in Catholic education well.”

Detail of the Victorian Catholic Agreement mini site


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