Best education and union reads

Australian politicians trust scientists on COVID, why don’t they listen to teachers on school reform?

From The Guardian

Education systems that treat teachers as trusted professionals adjusted better to pandemic disruption, research suggests.

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Big opportunities for principals to improve their school workforce in 2022 – report

From The Educator

Only half of teachers were confident in their school's ability to execute its vision, while other cohorts – especially principals – were much more likely to report that feeling of confidence.

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How teaching Indigenous students about culture and history is turning lives around

From ABC News

Big picture data proves that a connection between culture and educational achievement, offering a path to closing the gap for Indigenous students in attaining a year 12 qualification. 

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Teachers target department in first step of industrial campaign

From The Age

Teachers and principals in state schools will begin industrial action on Monday with a partial ban on answering Education Department emails and attending meetings, and a boycott of one of the Andrews government’s key education improvement projects.

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Why politicians must listen to teachers on school reform

From The Educator

teachers here in Australia who point out that soaring workloads, low pay and alarming stress levels are causing a growing number of staff to leave the profession, thus exacerbating teaching shortages in several states.

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Schools get millions of masks for kids before new COVID rules for year 12s

From The Age

Three million child-sized face masks will be delivered to Victorian primary schools from next week to help schools deliver on the new mandate that all children in years 3 to 6 must wear one inside classrooms.

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Refugee students struggle with displacement and trauma. Here are three ways schools can help them belong

From The Conversation

Many Australian teachers and school leaders report feeling unprepared to serve refugee students. Our research suggests school principals and staff are vital to the successful integration of refugee children into society.

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Strikes last resort in union power ramp up

From The Canberra Times

Unions have declared "time's up" for job insecurity, flagging a unified effort to pressure employers through boycotts and social media campaigns.

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Australian Universities Are Finance Investors With a Side Hustle in Education

From Jacobin Australia

Thanks to neoliberalism, Australia’s universities have become profit-seeking businesses. But they don’t just sell education: University executives are increasingly transforming their institutions into financial speculators and real estate investors.

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Beyond the Spin: workers’ share of wealth slumps to record low

From Michael West media

Workers now have the lowest share ever of the nation’s earnings and the true state of unemployment is under-reported.

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Australia’s Welfare System Is Designed to Force the Unemployed Into Low-Wage Casual Work

From Jacobin Australia

Australia’s unemployment benefit is one of the lowest in the OECD. This isn’t just a by-product of austerity politics — it’s designed to force the unemployed into low-paid, casual work, undermining wages and conditions across the board.

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Electrify everything and go renewable. Turns out it’s much cheaper than thought

From Renew Economy

Electrify everything! That’s the new mantra being promoted by a new think tank led by Australian inventor and  US government advisor Saul Griffith, who started with Rewiring America push, and has now decided to do the same in his home country, Rewiring Australia.

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Your top questions about vaccinations answered

Safety, side-effects, your immune response – all the big questions answered in one place.

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IEU demands end to discrimination

The Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania has started a petition to support government in outlawing discrimination against LGBTIQ+ community by faith organisations including religious schools. Read more about the outdated exemption for faith-based organisations here.

Paid Isolation Leave for All Workers

ASU Private Sector branch is campaigning for the federal government to guarantee paid isolation leave for all workers, to make sure workers don't have to choose between a wage and a safe workplace. Sign the petition here.

Trades Hall statement on vaccination requirement for authorised workers

The CHO has announced that all authorised workers must have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by October 15 in order to continue working on site. You can read the Victorian union movement's response here.

If you’re experiencing difficulties accessing the vaccine or vaccination information, contact your union or our dedicated CovidSafe Workplace team at

You can book your vaccination by calling the COVID-19 hotline 1800 675 398.

Check out Trades Hall’s FAQs about vaccination here

VTHC is researching workers’ attitudes to vaccination. Please take 3 minutes to share your views.

Our number 1 priority is keeping Victorian workers healthy and safe at work. If you have any questions about vaccination or COVID safety at work, contact us


Big opportunities for principals to improve their school workforce in 2022 – from The Educator


IEU Vaccination Advice