The week's best education and union reads

Could a France-style vaccine mandate for public spaces work in Australia?

From The Conversation, 13 August 2021

Vaccine requirements for entry into spaces such as schools have met support and increased vaccination rates in Europe. But their introduction is legally complicated.

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NSW schools ask for mass teacher vaccination days to prepare for a return in term 4

From the Sydney Morning Herald, 12 August 2021

The Catholic school sector has asked NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to organise mass vaccination days for teachers at state hubs, saying it could help schools prepare safely for a potential return of students in term four.

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High Court’s scorecard shows it smiles on employers

From the Australian Financial Review, 12 August 2021

Workers have had a few wins, but bosses have prevailed in Australia’s top court over the past 15 years.

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Special consideration creates 'impossible' situation

From The Conversation, 13 August 2021

Factoring in how year 12 students coped in lockdown is a grading nightmare for teachers.

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Winning Sick Pay for Casual Workers

From Megaphone Journal, 16 August 2021

Workers are not the problem when it comes to the spread of COVID-19. It’s the structural power imbalances and our weak industrial system.

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How Icelandic Unionists Won a Shorter Work Week

From Megaphone Journal, 16 August 2021

Workers saw a reduction of their working hours from 40 to 36, which has seen vast improvements in health and productivity.

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Australia fiddles while the world burns… another lost decade

From Crikey, 10 August 2021

Forget 2050 – the world faces marked global heating by the middle of next decade unless drastic action is taken. 

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Global Green New Deal Needs A Global South Perspective

From, 10 August 2021

Any serious proposals seeking to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions must pay attention to the economic, social and political situations of developing countries.

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Universal basic income attracts 77pc support in Anglicare poll

From ABC News, 10 August 2021

The experience of COVID support payments in 2020 has inspired a charity to back a basic income guarantee above the poverty line.

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Teachers need support on workload: report

From the, 16 August 2021

The State of the Education Sector 2021 report concludes that teachers are persevering through disruption but need greater support to weather workforce challenges.

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Cash calls workplace vaccination forum with industry and unions

From the, 16 August 2021

Industrial Relations Minister Michaelia Cash has called a meeting to discuss the vaccine rollout and workplaces with employer associations, unions, the Fair Work Ombudsman, the Australian Information and Privacy Commissioner and the chief executive of Safe Work Australia.

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Capitalism Is What’s Burning the Planet, Not Average People

From, 11 August 2021

Not all humans are equally culpable in climate chaos. Identifying the rich and powerful as the principal culprits is key to stopping further destruction.

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Mental health advice that matters


Almost 10,000 teachers in COVID-19 hotspots to access priority jab - from the SMH