The week's best education and union reads

How one unvaccinated, unmasked teacher spread coronavirus through her class

From the Los Angeles Times

An unvaccinated, unmasked California primary school teacher who came to school even while visibly sick infected a dozen students with the coronavirus, all too young to be immunised, according to a report published by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Hundreds of Sydney schools could remain closed despite back to school plan

From the

Almost 200,000 school employees across the state will also need to be vaccinated from November 8 to keep their jobs, a policy that has come under fire from Christian schools which warn that up to 10 per cent of teachers will not obey the mandate.

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This is what happened with schools in Canada when it passed 70 per cent vaccination

From The Age

With more than 70 per cent of its eligible population vaccinated, Canada’s approach for sending children back to the classroom would appear more straightforward than NSW’s current wrestle with a similar issue.

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Governments must include children in reopening plan: Grattan

From the Australian Financial Review

There is no coherent national guidance on managing inevitable COVID-19 outbreaks in schools and childcare settings.

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School governance ‘key to academic, financial results’

From the Australian Financial Review


New research reveals that balanced, diverse and strongly independent school councils that are not beholden to the direction set by the principal are strongly correlated to academic and financial performance of schools.

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NAPLAN - COVID pandemic puts pause on teacher blame game ... for now

From The Canberra Times

Before the pandemic, most parents didn't comprehend or have an appreciation for just how hard and complicated being an educator is.

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My message to parents: Don’t panic, remote learning is OK for most kids

From The Age

I’d like to believe the criticism of teachers, however unfair, comes from a place of concern about what’s happening to children’s education as remote learning goes on.

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More action needed on workplace harassment: poll

Australian Council of Trade Unions-commissioned polling has revealed more than half of voters in three key marginal seats believe the Morrison government has not done enough to crack down on workplace sexual harassment.

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Tell him he’s dreamin’: on the impossibility of home ownership

From Arena Online

A rental property can never be a castle for the renter because there is always the looming prospect of having to hand it back to the landlord. 

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Australia’s latest wage figures are terrible – and we can’t blame the pandemic

From The Guardian Australia

Government policy, including limiting public service workers’ pay rise, is contributing to the poor growth.

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A unionist's guide to lockdown viewing

From Megaphone Journal

From wrestling to ballet via Parliament – five unlikely, but riveting screen options to fill up locked-down days.

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The fair go is all but gone


Francis Leach says the COVID-19 pandemic is a biological crisis that can affect us all, but the burden is not equally shared.

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Gender is a rip-off


It’s time for equal pay