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Planning for Your Retirement and Boost Your Super Seminar

Venue: FEU Conference Centre, 120 Clarendon St, Southbank
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Complimentary superannuation seminars run by NGS Super to help IEU members make the most of super. Wherever you are on your super journey, whether you’re at the beginning of your career or already retired, NGS Super has a wealth of information and tips to help you make better choices for a brighter future. 

Planning for retirement

Our Planning for retirement seminars will cover the following: 

Using a Transition to Retirement account 

We’ll look at how a Transition to Retirement account (TTR) may help your transition from full-time to part-time work, allowing you to access your super and top up your reduced income. Further, we’ll explore how you may be able to benefit from this strategy if you plan to continue working full-time and build a stronger super balance for your eventual retirement. 

How much you’ll need in retirement 

Super, like most important aspects of our lives, is not a one-size-fits-all. If you’re wondering how much you’re really going to need to live the retirement you have planned, we’ll talk you through the factors you need to consider. 

Strategies to make the most of your retirement 

Whether you’re retiring soon, or it’s still a few years off, we’ll outline some straightforward things that you can do now to make sure that your retirement is as comfortable as possible. 

Boost your super

Our Boost your super seminar will cover the following: 

What to consider 

Receive guidance on what to consider when you want to save for your future. Even a small amount now could make a world of difference later and the sooner you start, the greater the end reward. 

Explore your contribution options 

Explore ways to boost your super and potentially reduce your taxable income You could make a positive difference to your savings come tax time each year, and the more you put into your superannuation now, the more you'll have to enjoy later in life. 

Learn about super, savings strategies and building your financial security 

We’ll outline some helpful tips and tools you can use now to make sure your super is on the right path, for you to retire as comfortably as possible. 

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