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Level 2 Rep Training - Trades Hall history, work & tour

This course is part of a suite of courses aimed at Reps who have attended Level 1 Rep training and are looking at further developing their skills. This day will be at Victorian Trades Hall where you will be guided through a tour of the Hall, hear about the work of the Hall and how the Hall works with Unions.

Reps from Catholic Schools are entitled to a day of paid union training leave each year and Reps from Independent schools should speak to their Organiser about the IEU covering replacement costs. 

Participation on the day is fundamental to your role as a Sub Branch Rep and attendance is strongly encouraged.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided. 

To register please email:

Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton, Victoria

30 October

HSR Initial OHS Training Course (Day 1/5)

27 November

HSR Refresher OHS Training Course - Work-related Gendered Violence Including Sexual Harassment