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IEU Women: How We're Ending Gender-Based Violence at Work (Online)

International Women’s Day 2025:
How We're Ending Gender-Based Violence at Work

Online via Zoom (register for the link below)

Union women have fought hard to have gender-based violence recognised as an occupational health and safety issue and fight for changes that will eliminate gender-based violence at work.

From workplace justice visas for migrant workers to fight exploitation, increasing access to secure work to empower workers to speak up and speak out, getting more women into good jobs in traditionally male dominated trades and occupations, and banning non-disclosure agreements that silence victims of harassment - union women have been standing up to the systems and structures that drive gender-based violence and winning.

Join us at this WRAW Fest panel discussion to hear from women fighting for change. Speakers:

  • Elyane Palmer - Migrant Workers Centre

  • Jessica Dawson-Field - Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

  • Courteney Munn - Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU)

This panel discussion is hosted by Victorian Trades Hall Council.

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